Animate buttons in Storyline like a pro
I started working on an animated button set freebie a few months ago but I let the file cover with dust somewhere on the disc. Articulate announced today button animation challenge so it was a perfect occasion to dust the file off and finish the job.
Animating button states in Storyline like a pro is super easy - you just insert a shape/image/button element, then create either defined states like hover, down, selected etc. or create your own, custom state. Then apply enter/exit animation to it.
There's one point to be aware of: once you create a new state (like on the example below), the animation tab is inactive. To fix it you just need to cut the shape from state and paste it back. Now you're able to apply any Storyline animation to it.

You can achieve really cool animation effects in states - except the shape itself you can insert and animate other shapes, icons or images - it's up to your imagination.
So here's the set I created and wanted to share with you: 52 animated buttons. It's been built with simple rectangle shape and solid fill with extra animated assets on hover. It's just a starter as you can create countless variations with different elements.

You can preview the whole set here and download Storyline 360 file either from Freebies section (Freebie 17) or clicking directly this link.
Stay creative, feel free to redesign these buttons and use in your e-learning project.